This project intends to bring attention to obstetric violence and respectful maternity and childbirth care by implementing a concrete tool to bridge academic research and public policy, training for health professionals, women’s perspectives and public engagement on the matter.

The Platform will be an innovative, international, interdisciplinary, intersectoral andcross-cultural digital and interactive tool for producing, sharing and transferring knowledge, systematising and exchanging good practices, acquiring skills and planning gender-based innovative training packages on respectful maternity and childbirth care among health professionals, health training managers, decision makers, researchers, women and all of society. 

To achieve these goals, a network of 40 breakthrough experts, from 19 participating organisations and 9 countries (universities, research centres, civil organisations and health maternity care institutions) will be established.


We extend an invitation to foster connections and mutual support within our social media community

Kindly consider following one another and participating in discussions using the designated hashtag #ipovrespectfulcare

Share your insights and experiences to contribute to the collective dialogue.

Descubre nuestra comunidad online a través de #ipovrespectfulcare