Enid Myhre

Enid Myhre

Førsteamanuensis | Fakultet for helse- og sosialvitenskap Institutt for sykepleie- og helsevitenskap Campus Vestfold (C3-31)
University of South-Eastern Norway
I hope that participation in this project will enhance my understanding of obstetric violence and respectful maternity care across different cultures and professions. This opportunity will allow me to contribute to and learn from a diverse network of experts, enriching my professional skills and broadening my perspective. I believe that interdisciplinary and intercultural collaboration is crucial for addressing global public health challenges effectively.

Enid Myhre

Key Research Areas:

  • Midwifery-related topics such as the latent stage of labour and vulnerabilities in pregnancy.

Objectives expected to achieve during the secondment period(s):

  • I am committed to contributing to the further development of the innovative training workshops and educational materials. My primary focus will be on enriching these resources with specialized midwifery content. Additionally, I will actively participate in staff exchange by both hosting incoming staff from partner organizations and by engaging in secondment opportunities abroad.

Motivation to participate in the Horizon Europe project:

  • I am motivated to join this project to gain deeper insights and exchange knowledge on respectful maternity and childbirth care, particularly through interdisciplinary and cross-cultural collaboration.

Expectations regarding their contribution to the project:

  • I expect to enrich the project by integrating a midwifery perspective, which will enhance the development and refinement of training materials and practices in maternity care.