From this page, you can explore all the exclusive content of the IPOV project. Remember, only members have access, so make sure you’re logged in to enjoy all the resources. If you encounter any issues accessing the content or have any questions, we’re here to help—just reach out to us at

From this link, you can access the forum to interact, discuss, and connect with other group members.

It is still in development and is not currently accessible.
The first videos will be available very soon. We will notify you of the launch via email.

Documents to be submitted

Documents to be submitted
to the official European platform and the project coordinator UNIUD

In this section, you’ll find all the documents and information related to project management, secondments, financial documents, and the necessary submissions for the official European platform and the project coordinator UNIUD.

Documents to be submitted
to the IPOV Platform (Communication and Dissemination)

This information will help document and disseminate the programme’s benefits while strengthening connections between the project participants and the institutions involved

Guide for Graphic Recording and Poster Design

Are you looking for graphic resources, attendance templates, or solutions for Graphic Recording, Poster Design, and Presentation Creation? Here, you can download helpful documents for your stay, including templates for collecting event signatures (in line with European Data Protection Law), presentation design templates, poster designs, and tips for capturing photos and videos. Feel free to create as many as you need, organising them by secondments, talks, events, activities, or whatever works best for you. Check out our Resources and Brand Identity Manual page

Download the templates for the scientific reports

Share your experiences with the rest of the IPOV community:
You can use this templates (scientific reports) to help guide your writing.

This information will help document and disseminate the programme’s benefits while strengthening connections between the project participants and the institutions involved

Submission form for IPOV:
documents, photos, and scientific reports

Do you need to send any documents to our IPOV platform? A simple form to upload any file. You can submit both types of Scientific Reports, and materials from activities considered Communication and Dissemination (photos, posters, videos, etc.) during your secondment to be published on our blog or social media. From this single form, you can send us any document. You can complete a form for each event or for each group of files you wish to submit.


Your contribution will help us document and disseminate the activities of the project, ensuring the data is accessible and reusable in line with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliance.
Your contribution will help us document and disseminate the activities of the project, ensuring the data is accessible and reusable in line with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliance.