Ilaria Mariani

Ilaria Mariani

IRCCS Ospedale Infantile Burlo Garofolo | Ospedale Burlo · Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit
IRCCS Burlo Garofolo
Every woman and newborn child must receive respectful care!

Ilaria Mariani

Key Research Areas:

Midwifery, quality of care, respectful care, biostatistics

Significant contributions to the scientific community:

Research projects, quality improvement projects, publication of scientific articles, oral presentation to scientific congresses

Objectives expected to achieve during the secondment period(s):

Be part of a network of experts, develop my skills in research methodology, acquire expertise and knowledge, be part of the change

Expectations regarding their contribution to the project:

I am excited to participate in IPOV - Respectful care because I will meet many international experts. Together we will have interesting discussions and work towards more respectful care. I hope that this project will translate in concreate actions with positive impact on the lives of women, newborns, health workers and communities.