Values-Based Practice in Health and Social Care
mayo 7, 2024Jornadas “Parir(nos), mamar(nos): lo personal es político en el origen de la vida, contra la violencia obstétrica”
mayo 13, 2024Organised by the Master's Degree Programme in Citizenship, Institutions, and European Policies
The Opportunities of the European Commission for Social Development in Friuli Venezia Giulia Meeting at the multifunctional center in Gorizia on Thursday, May 9th at 5 pm
What opportunities does the European Union offer to finance the development of knowledge and its application for social development, also in Friuli Venezia Giulia? How does the European Commission decide its policies and analyze the social needs emerging from the territories? And how can local entities bring forth their issues to be considered in the Commission's policies? Answers to these questions will be proposed on Thursday, May 9th at 5 pm in the main auditorium of the Friulian university's headquarters at Via Santa Chiara 1 in Gorizia, in the conference titled "Sharing knowledge to innovate society".
During the meeting, organized by the Master's Degree Programme in Citizenship, Institutions, and European Policies as part of the series of meetings dedicated to "The future of Europe and the development of Friuli Venezia Giulia", prominent figures in research and social innovation policies, who have held key roles both at the European and national levels, will illustrate the opportunities offered by policies for research and social innovation with some examples of projects financed by the European Union involving Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Opening remarks and the introduction to the discussion will be given by Francesco Pitassio, delegate of the Magnificent Rector for the Gorizia multifunctional center, Claudio Cressati, deputy director of the Department of Legal Sciences and president of the Europeanist Academy of Friuli Venezia Giulia, and Gabriele De Anna, coordinator of the Master's Degree Programme in Citizenship, Institutions, and European Policies.
Following will be interventions by Ezio Andreta, former director of the European Commission and president of the Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE), Daniele Del Bianco, director of the Institute of International Sociology in Gorizia, Patrizia Quattrocchi, professor at the University of Udine and coordinator of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Staff Exchange Obstetric Violence project, Alberto Soraci, from the Area Science Park in Trieste, expert of the integrated European ecosystem project for the green transition North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley, and Enzo Tomellini, former official of the European Commission and head of the technical secretariat of the Minister of Ecological Transition. The event will be moderated by Alex Pessotto, journalist and director of the Europeanist Academy of Friuli Venezia Giulia.
The series of meetings in which this event is included aims to put the scientific and educational resources of the Master's Degree Programme in Citizenship, Institutions, and European Policies at the service of the territory and citizenship, a course of study aimed at training experts who can contribute to finding suitable solutions to address complex and unavoidable phenomena. The initiative is organized in collaboration with the Friuli Foundation and with the Europeanist Academy of Friuli Venezia Giulia.