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July 30, 2024

Violencia obstétrica, aciertos y desafíos de/desde Latinoamérica

Un panel que tuvo como principal objetivo la problematización social de la “violencia obstétrica”. Este concepto, creado en la región latinoamericana, refiere a un tipo particular de violencia de género, ejercido por el personal de salud sobre sus pacientes durante la atención institucional del embarazo, parto, puerperio, aborto y otros eventos gineco-obstétricos.
July 1, 2024

Restaurar colectivamente la violencia ginecológica y obstétrica a través de la creatividad

Talleres liderados por Serena Brigidi, Ph.D. en Antropología Médica, enfocados en la restauración colectiva de la violencia ginecológica y obstétrica mediante enfoques creativos. Descubre cómo la justicia restaurativa y la creatividad pueden transformar experiencias personales y colectivas. Disponible en español, inglés y portugués.
May 13, 2024

Conference “Bir(us), suckle(us): the personal is political in the origin of life, against obstetric violence”.

The main objective of this day is twofold: first, as an affirmative and emancipatory objective, to help educate and raise awareness among students and citizens of the importance of the reproductive processes of pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding (deeply linked), in all its dimensions; second, as a combative and subversive objective, to inform and denounce specifically about obstetric violence, as a phenomenon and trend that generally threatens the human right and freedom to gestate / give birth and breastfeed without violence as a society.
May 7, 2024

The Opportunities of the European Commission for Social Development in Friuli Venezia Giulia

What opportunities does the European Union offer to finance the development of knowledge and its application for social development, also in Friuli Venezia Giulia? How does the European Commission decide its policies and analyze the social needs emerging from the territories? And how can local entities bring forth their issues to be considered in the Commission's policies?
May 7, 2024

Values-Based Practice in Health and Social Care

El centro "Values-Based Practice in Health and Social Care" de la Universidad de Oxford presenta, por primera vez en España, este taller. Está dirigido a profesionales de la salud que buscan complementar la práctica basada en la evidencia con un enfoque centrado en los valores individuales de la persona. A través de un aprendizaje dinámico, el taller establece un vínculo entre la ciencia y los valores para respaldar una toma de decisiones fundamentada en un marco de valores compartidos.
April 28, 2024

Tackling Obstetric Violence: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

This conference will provide a snapshot of the new and emerging research into obstetric violence. Consisting of some of the most prolific as well as newly emerging academic talent from within the field, we invite you to join us for a day of discussion.
April 8, 2024

Seminario INEDYTO De Bioética

UNPRECEDENTED BIOETHICS SEMINAR! 🔬 "PREVENTION OF OBSTETRIC VIOLENCE: A FEASIBLE PATH THROUGH HEALTHCARE TEAM TRANSPARENCY" 🤰 🎙️ Speaker: Silvina García Conto 👩‍⚖️ Argentine lawyer and researcher specializing in the prevention of obstetric violence. 📅 Date: April 8, 2024 🕓 Time: 16:00 📍 Location: Seminar Room 235 (Faculty of Psychology), University of Granada