
Tackling Obstetric Violence: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Seminario INEDYTO De Bioética
April 8, 2024
Values-Based Practice in Health and Social Care
May 7, 2024
Seminario INEDYTO De Bioética
April 8, 2024
Values-Based Practice in Health and Social Care
May 7, 2024
"Hey there! While our main focus remains on the 'IPOV Respectful Care' project, we wanted to highlight an external activity that we think could be really beneficial for our community. Even though it's not directly part of our project, we believe it aligns with our values and goals. We encourage everyone to consider participating as it offers a great opportunity to further engage and contribute positively to our community. Let's continue to support each other and grow together!"

María Hidalgo Rudilla | ipov@respectfulcare.eu

Obstetric Violence has, for a long time, been a 'concept with no name'. In recent years, international realisation and outrage at the systematic abuse of pregnant women has grown. Yet, we remain divided on how best to define, conceptualise and ultimately, combat obstetric violence, with there not yet being one universally accepted terminology or definition for the phenomenon. This conference will provide a snapshot of the new and emerging research into obstetric violence. Consisting of some of the most prolific as well as newly emerging academic talent from within the field, we invite you to join us for a day of discussion. 

This event will take place on the 20th May 9am-5pm. It is a hybrid event, with options to either attend online or in person at the architecturally beautiful Cohen Quadrangle, the Exeter College external site in Jericho, which will include a free lunch.  In person attendance will have limited places so please sign up early to avoid disappointment. Registration is mandatory and must be completed by end of day 13th May  2024. It can be done via this link: https://forms.office.com/e/esm5mKehjv

We are also opening up the opportunity for research students to apply for a 10-minute presentation opportunity in our Lightning Talks section. This can be on any topic linked to pregnancy, childbirth and obstetric violence. There will be options to present this online if needed. If you are interested, please send over 2/3 lines with your academic background and the subject you would wish to discuss. Deadline for this is the end of day 20th April 2024.

We do hope that you can make it. If you have any questions, please contact our organiser frances.hand@law.ox.ac.uk